
2014-08-05 10.51.52

Hey there, I’m Kirian.

I started blogging in 2011, to write about my adventures of getting in shape, being a mom and hopefully becoming a real runner one day from a “Wanna Be Runner”. But LIFE always seems to have it’s own agenda.

As of July 2014, I have decided it’s time to get serious about it because you only have one life to live. Given that I just registered for my 2nd half marathon 2-yrs later from my first one. I hope that I can inspire in anyway and make you laugh through my writing all while LIFE continues around it.


5/23/2010 Run for the Animals 5K, Wheaton MD  45:22
10/13/2012 Baltimore Running Festival Half Marathon 4:03:12 (my first!)
10/18/2014 Baltimore Running Festival Half Marathon, 1st time with Larry (His first time!) 5:11:49

11/1/2014 The Color Run, Nationals Park with Larry 🙂 it was a BLAST!

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