Eating Clean, Is Not Hard Afterall

It’s officially the end of my second week since I said “enough is enough” and decided that it’s time to eat clean and have a better healthy lifestyle.

While I forgot to take a picture at my starting weight on day 1 of 230lbs. I managed to record it at some point during the first week and will continue to record my progress…for real this time. I will be accountable for my self–no excuses and no hiding.


Week 1 – Started eating clean on June 1, 2015


Week 2: June 8-12

So far in 2 weeks of eating clean, I have lost 6lbs. I have to admit that is damn good–who knew? And I didn’t even feel deprived per-say nor hungry. I don’t want to get over excited, but I can see myself through it to October 1st and beyond as a lifestyle. The greatest thing about this decision, it’s easier to apply it to my daughter because we don’t have to eat different things. We simply eat clean foods and it’s teaching her to make better choices as well.

I also decided to create my own hashtag on my instagram account ( #MsKiriGetFit) and snap pics of what I eat. Just to help me stay accountable. I don’t think I will do it for every meal but definitely to keep me inspired and motivated. I have to do this I don’t want to be in the 200’s ever again nor next summer. I have been doing this to myself for too long and I can not say hello to another summer with trying to cover up because I did not or failed to do something about it.


Mind Over Matter–I Must do this.
(My first meal in my journey to a healthier me)

Since my last half marathon last year in October, I have put on even more weight… A LOT of weight. I believe I was 218 lbs. then and now a whopping 230 lbs. as of yesterday–when stepping on the scale.

While having the need to train for longer distance, my body became hungrier and I simply lost control. After letting my body recover from the half marathon, I simply stopped cold turkey and I guess I gave up too along the way. I know it’s because while training for the 13.1 run I just knew I would lose weight, but it never occurred to me to strictly watch my calories and “EAT CLEAN”.

Instead of eating clean meals or snacks after training to carb up for a bit of energy. My boyfriend (who also trained with me to run 13.1 last year) and I would head out to pick up a pizza–I know right. We have totally lost it since then, but more so I think I have lost myself in food. I love food, I enjoy food, but I also desire to be a healthy fit person. But it’s so hard! I feel pathetic everyday, when I read or follow fitness and clean eating accounts on social media to motivate me, and still eat what I want and not what I should. I’m a hypocrite!

So about 2 weeks ago, I thought to myself I can not bring myself to turn another year older and still look the same or in this case even “bigger”. I for one, love seeing my physician–but refuse to make appointment till I weight 218 or less. Most importantly, I want to live long for my daughter and loved ones. I rather die for being old then to a health issue that could have been prevented. And the fact that turning 35 is around the corner, I just have to make it happen–I’m not getting any younger. So as of June 1st, I have started again to focus on being healthier for weight-loss. I have set my first goal for October 1st to show myself, that I can do it and bring a happier and healthier me. I don’t know what kind of transformation I can do in 4 months, because I lack motivation. But I am willing not to quit anymore and make better choices of what I eat.

I love myself, but most of all I love my family…”Mind Over Matter”…I must do this.

I’m still here!

Wow… I feel bad.

It’s been a little over 3 months from my last entry here–and I feel like I let you down on my progress updates. Well, I hate to say this but not much progress has happened. I have let my leadership role in my daughters school PTA take over again. While I have experienced more politics then I expected or to my liking in this PTA, it has indeed been a true learning experience. From initiative community supporter threatening me as a PTA officer to the entire group getting upset when they don’t hear, read, get their way. It’s interesting to know that–what once was a neighborhood I wanted to move into, has turned me off and look else where for my future plans. Larry (my boyfriend)  said I love the drama…..ok maybe just a little. But really it’s my own mission to put myself out of my comfort zone and develop as an individual for the different encounters I may face in the future. So on those words, July 1st I start my 2nd/last term in my leadership position. Crossing-fingers, that it’s much smoother and that I stay as sane being diplomatic, as I have been this last school year.

Screen shot 2013-06-25 at 1.59.41 PMBesides that, workout this week no good. I don’t know about some of you but I can not, I repeat myself CAN NOT workout with glasses. I am waiting for my order of contacts to come in, so I can get back on it. What? look I have those glasses that slide down my nose ever couple of minutes, and can’t bend over to pick up crap cause they fall off. Do you really think I will put up with them when I work out?! Heeell to the NO!

Sure I could workout without them, but I’m blind as a bat. I swear if there wasn’t such specialty glass for glasses. My glasses would literally be coke bottle glasses like this pup on this picture. At −5.50 yea I am and know I’m BLIND!

Screen shot 2013-06-25 at 1.51.47 PMOn another note, you got to love summer–a chance to be outdoors and do more with the family. Over this past weekend Larry, my daughter and I went on our first fishing trip of the summer. It was beautiful morning, the spot we go to wasn’t open yet, so we drove around and found a pier where we could fish until then. I just had to take a picture it was a gorgeous scene as you can see in the picture. My daughter became inpatient after Larry caught the first fish of the day (catfish). But after 1pm it was burning hot and decided to check out our spot where we normally fish. After seeing that it was overly crowded we called it a day and went to lunch and headed home.

Screen shot 2013-06-25 at 2.24.03 PMThe first time out fishing is always a test drive for us. So hopefully the next time we are out there we catch more and get out there even before sun rise, and bring our 1yr old rat terrier “Pepper” or “Pepperoni” as we call him sometimes. I think it would be a great experience for him to be with the family fishing.

9 Weeks of Sweat, But going Strong.

4wk 8wk 12wk

Yes, I am still alive, and motivated in staying consistent on going to the gym. I have my bad days, but if I miss a day–I make sure to go the next day. So because I haven’t been quite on here for a moment, I decided I should weigh in for you. So take a look!!

So eleven pounds lost so far, naturally I would have loved to drop more, but the first 2-3 weeks I just wouldn’t drop anything. But then I switched my beef consumptions to chicken and fish. I have also upped on my cardio to 1 hour every other day. Then on lifting days, I make sure to do cardio either before or after it for 30min. So far it looks like it working, and have seem to found my rhythm in the gym.

11 lbs is a lot, but I know I can do better. Its been 9 weeks but even though its been slow melting the fat away–I know I’m also building lean muscle. Hey! it’s better for fat to melt away like molasses, then having the scale tip the opposite way. So check out my weigh in 🙂

Jan. 16, 2013

Age:  32
Height: 5″7′
Weight: 218 lbs

Goal Weight: 155 lbs
Total to lose: 63 lbs
Goal Date: June 7, 2013

TODAY. March 19, 2013

Age:  Still 32
Height: 5″7′
Weight: 207 lbs

Goal Weight: 155 lbs
Total to lose: 52 lbs 
Goal Date: June 7, 2013

In conclusion, my coworkers and family are starting to notice my transformation.

Screen shot 2013-03-19 at 12.24.29 PM

The Backseat of a PTA Mom.

At my age of 32 and graphic design professional, you would think I have all myself together and well organized. Well what you see in the photo I posted, is the after math of PTA moms evening meeting. You’d almost think it is the back seat of a preschool teacher with all those pencils. Sadly to say, that didn’t just happen….I threw that back there last week on Thursday, and haven’t been able to get around to it, because it’s been too cold outside to clean my car.

Naturally I would love my car to be clean as a button, but when you’re a single mom, with a job that’s 40 miles each way, and the leadership of your 2 local schools PTA— because they are split schools. Life is simply just go-go-go. Oh! And I get up at 5am to get ready to go to the gym. If I don’t, it just won’t happen. Hopefully, once my term is over in June, I can focus more on my personal home to-do list and up on my gym time—since I won’t be stressing anymore if I didn’t get anything done or miss or plan a meeting for PTA.


Deprived of the yummy things in the WOooorld, ugh.

chunky monkey
I haven’t posted anything in a minute….Only because I have been focusing on my workout and regimen plan. (Along with my PTA MOM duties, that I wish were over–4 more months, woosaah)

I seriously started a program last week on Monday with a new protein shake that got me excited (Labrada Pro8) and by Friday 2/22 I went from 218- 213lbs (yay!) Not bad. Of course that meant minimal carbs in my diet, and then NOOOO CHEATING and getting cardio days in, without skipping a beat.

Today, Day 10. I feel so deprived of the yummy things in the world. Im not a sweet tooth kinda gal, but boy what I would give for some Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey lol. BUT NO (looks away) I can’t. I musn’t. I’m doing so good and June is around the corner, I would like to half way reach my Goal then. At the same time, I’m starting to get all vanilla-out from my protein shake–so definitely need to look to having various flavors. I tried to trick my mind a couple days ago by putting my protein shake in a vita-mix blender with a bit of water and ice cubes and turn it into  ice cream…..yea I won’t do that again, it was just ok. I could have done more to it, but remember I’m doing minimal carbs for now.

My cheat meal is on a Saturday evenings, so that was heaven–definitely looking forward to this coming Saturday. In the meantime I really try to stay motivated and look at motivational videos. One that has recently caught my eye is CT Fletcher on Facebook and Youtube. Though this crazy man has a Huuuuuge foul mouth, I can’t help but to watch his videos and get hyped about going to the gym. I don’t know what it is about him, lol he’s quite a character but most importantly he keeps it REAL. I have included the first video I saw of his and totally got hooked to watching all his other videos.

Pictures Don’t Lie.


Me, far left corner.

Well the usual happened, for the last week and half , I have lost focus.

Work, Mom duties, and Sisterhood quality time took over my schedule. While there were real busy moments, I have to admit some were worth it. Especially having time in connecting with my Sorority sisters from my college years, along with sisters I never met before, to interested undergrad ladies. However, with being M.I.A and attending events last week–along came the crazy Facebook (FB) picture tagging, lol.

valNilta2.2013529476_10151756973093298_1741730315_n(Sigh)…Man oh man. The moment FB alerted me that I was tagged in pictures, I cringed to myself. What? I’m just saying-keeping it real, lol. Anyway, I went and woooow, first all I could focus on was how round my face was and OMG HOW TIRED I Looked! (looking set-up). Clearly, I’m not working-out hard enough…aaaand maybe eating what I shouldn’t beyond my cheat day on Saturdays. But what can I say, I just need to be better about it, and Spring is around the corner and I want to make my transformation by October. I’m starting to think I may want to get checked out for Thyroid problems. The more I read into it–I notice I have most of the symptoms–not all a once but I can definitely say I can relate with the symptoms especially how I’m having such a hard time dropping the weight and when I do everything correctly. This means one thing, I will have to get tested at some point, hopefully soon this summer when my contractual job goes Full-time with Benefits, smh.

profile ME me2.2013WTH! sorry for the french But where the heck is my chin!! OH NO…The truth be shown. Oh, on the next picture, that’s my little one.

Sigh……yes I know don’t be  so harsh. But seriously if I’m not going to be realistic with myself and truthful–then who else?

64531_516170698565_1566479132_nAfter viewing the pictures (clearly there were more), I felt I had to justify with a better picture and updated on my FB wall, lol. I took this picture yesterday morning before going to a business meeting, but honestly, don’t just want to be a girl with a pretty face. I know my potential as a full-package 🙂 and I want to feel good inside and out. Got to get sexy back, I just have to. No more excuses.

Well back to my planning board, I need to take full control and stop going off my workout routine and losing control or I’m going to get no where near my goal. I only have this life to live, and I want to look good, be healthy and feel awesome.

A Road to Fitness Motivation and Inspiration.

2012 Olympia Weekend
74523_488598714525738_222483460_nAs I mentally prepared Friday night, for my Saturday morning HIT Full Body workout. I hopped onto for inspiration and motivation.

It was the best thing I could have ever done. During my viewing of videos of making sure I use proper form, I eventually bumped into a Brazilian IFBB Figure Pro, IFBB World Champion named Gal Ferreira Yates…WOW, Beautiful physique. Then after googling her I found videos of her doing her workout, and this woman is no joke. I instantly was so motivated and inspired by her workout ethic and focus–that I couldn’t wait to go to the gym and find my focal point as well, lol. Naturally, I am not lifting no where near as her, but it’s definitely awesome to know and see a woman’s ability of strength.

38758213652769978339210I know some  women may think this is way too much muscle mass (heck some men as well), to their liking–and I’m not saying I want to be this rock hard either. The top two are more then likely at her competitive state and the last one seems to not to be exactly. As you can see she looks a bit softer, more then likely because she’s holding more water in her body. This last image is my inspiration and motivation. I loooove her thighs and arms, they are fantastic, and not to sound like a stalker, I clipped a couple of more pictures to add to my visual board.

On Saturday morning…it was AWESOME! I was on such a natural high (ok and on some fat burner supplements), that I was so pumped to get started. I got to the gym and  reviewed my routine one last time. I started my workout and looked for a focal point and went hard with my music and determination like Ms. Yates. At the end I felt so accomplished and proud of myself, that I knew I can train myself hard without the help of a trainer or anyone…well for now since I’m not a heavy lifter. BUT, you have to start somewhere.

Want a peak at my Saturday routine? Check it out below:
All 3 set | 15-20 reps  with only one minute of rest, between the circuit.

Push Press
Barbell Deadlift
Bent Over Barbell Row
Wide-Grip Lat PullDown
Stiff Leg Barbell Good Mornings
Dumbell Rear Lunges

A White Out Morning, Can’t Stop Me!

IMAG1366Woke up to a typical morning (finding a reason to not make it to the gym). I check my phone and noticed a alert text from our counties school “2 Hour Delay”. Therefore that meant snow did in fact fall, and like a 7 year old, I jumped out of bed and ran to my window. Sigh our first snow fall (Finally!). Knowing that I didn’t have to rush to get my daughter up for school. There was no reason to skip my gym workout today, and I made it!

After my workout, as I drove home and observed the paranoid drivers in this weather. I thought to myself…yea I can see how some people say “The DMV panics with a bit of snow fall”. Then I realized why snow never phases me when I’m driving. I lived in Detroit for 2 years in college. So any time the DMV gets snow, Pssssh it’s nothing compared to living in the Motor City, lol. Snow fall there is serious, it would come up to mid-thigh–you couldn’t even walk a block without your legs feeling needles in them, and your nose hairs crystalizing as you breathed in–seriously not joking, lol . The interesting part is, it didn’t phase the Detroiters–and thats what I loved about living out there in the winter.

Anyway, workout was awesome and have lots of energy this morning! Want to see the workout I followed? Check it out below. I wasn’t able to fit in 20min cardio at the end of it, but definitely get in this evening with my little girl with “Just Dance 4” on the Xbox 360.

Lowe Body Workout:
Freehand Jump Squats      2 sets| 15 reps
Plie Dumbbell Squats         3 sets| 20 reps
Barbell Side Split Squats    3 sets|15 reps
Clean                                       3 sets| 12 reps
Leg Press                                3 sets| 15 reps
Seated Leg Curl                     3 sets| 15 reps
Leg Extensions                     3 sets|15 reps
Seated Calf Raise                  3 sets| 15 reps

Fall Back Blues

Change-Clocks-Back_s640x427I’m really tired of the whole winter process.

It really makes it hard for me to get up early and go workout. I literally find myself dragging to the gym at 6:30am! Why is that? Oh I don’t know, maybe because it s pitch black still at 6am, when the alarm goes off!!

I am a morning person, but this Fall Back time change is still killing me since November. My body loves daylight, and can sense it coming through the window. But this “darkness” it’s just messing with my workout routine. I wake up as the alarm goes off, and turn it off. I look at the time and sigh at not only how dark its still is outside but how cold it is. It’s 17 degrees today!  Ya think I want to be out there? Just walking from my car to my office today had my face hurting. So as I sat here ranting about time and darkness, I googled to see when Spring Forward would take place…March 10th !! Aye dios mio, give me more strength to make it to the gym for the next month and half.