Eating Clean, Is Not Hard Afterall

It’s officially the end of my second week since I said “enough is enough” and decided that it’s time to eat clean and have a better healthy lifestyle.

While I forgot to take a picture at my starting weight on day 1 of 230lbs. I managed to record it at some point during the first week and will continue to record my progress…for real this time. I will be accountable for my self–no excuses and no hiding.


Week 1 – Started eating clean on June 1, 2015


Week 2: June 8-12

So far in 2 weeks of eating clean, I have lost 6lbs. I have to admit that is damn good–who knew? And I didn’t even feel deprived per-say nor hungry. I don’t want to get over excited, but I can see myself through it to October 1st and beyond as a lifestyle. The greatest thing about this decision, it’s easier to apply it to my daughter because we don’t have to eat different things. We simply eat clean foods and it’s teaching her to make better choices as well.

I also decided to create my own hashtag on my instagram account ( #MsKiriGetFit) and snap pics of what I eat. Just to help me stay accountable. I don’t think I will do it for every meal but definitely to keep me inspired and motivated. I have to do this I don’t want to be in the 200’s ever again nor next summer. I have been doing this to myself for too long and I can not say hello to another summer with trying to cover up because I did not or failed to do something about it.


Mind Over Matter–I Must do this.
(My first meal in my journey to a healthier me)

Since my last half marathon last year in October, I have put on even more weight… A LOT of weight. I believe I was 218 lbs. then and now a whopping 230 lbs. as of yesterday–when stepping on the scale.

While having the need to train for longer distance, my body became hungrier and I simply lost control. After letting my body recover from the half marathon, I simply stopped cold turkey and I guess I gave up too along the way. I know it’s because while training for the 13.1 run I just knew I would lose weight, but it never occurred to me to strictly watch my calories and “EAT CLEAN”.

Instead of eating clean meals or snacks after training to carb up for a bit of energy. My boyfriend (who also trained with me to run 13.1 last year) and I would head out to pick up a pizza–I know right. We have totally lost it since then, but more so I think I have lost myself in food. I love food, I enjoy food, but I also desire to be a healthy fit person. But it’s so hard! I feel pathetic everyday, when I read or follow fitness and clean eating accounts on social media to motivate me, and still eat what I want and not what I should. I’m a hypocrite!

So about 2 weeks ago, I thought to myself I can not bring myself to turn another year older and still look the same or in this case even “bigger”. I for one, love seeing my physician–but refuse to make appointment till I weight 218 or less. Most importantly, I want to live long for my daughter and loved ones. I rather die for being old then to a health issue that could have been prevented. And the fact that turning 35 is around the corner, I just have to make it happen–I’m not getting any younger. So as of June 1st, I have started again to focus on being healthier for weight-loss. I have set my first goal for October 1st to show myself, that I can do it and bring a happier and healthier me. I don’t know what kind of transformation I can do in 4 months, because I lack motivation. But I am willing not to quit anymore and make better choices of what I eat.

I love myself, but most of all I love my family…”Mind Over Matter”…I must do this.

10 inches of Locks…Gone

Last weekend was my daughters 9th birthday–she has been bugging to cut her hair for the last 2 years and every year I said no…until last weekend.

After going to church I had set her appointment for 2pm to cut all her hair off. Luckily there was little over 10inches and were able to donate to Locks of Love. I leave you with a video and pictures as they say a thousand words.

By the way, she loves her new pixie cut.

VIDEO (click on image to see it)

BEFORE                                             AFTER


Growing up to Moms Music


I can remember vividly the music I grew up with. It happened every weekend, starting early on Saturday mornings.

I don’t know about everyones weekend rituals, but in my moms household it was turning her stereo first thing Saturday morning. Granted as a kid after a long week of school all you want to do is sleep in–but not in moms house. It meant lets start making the bed and go through my music tapes while I rearrange my jewelry box. As soon as I would hear her music in the mornings, I knew it was a matter of time before she came knocking on my door to get started on cleaning my room and chores. As annoying as it was to hear those songs in the morning, she exposed me to various artists she loved which I in turn learned to appreciate all types of music from latin music to jazz, country and all other genres.

Below are the top 5 I remember from artists my mom loved to play and my top 5 I liked for myself growing up.


1. Vicente Fernandez – Las Mananitas

2. Anne Murray- Could I Have This Dance

3. Vikki Carr – Ni Princesa, Ni Esclava

4. Nat King Cole – Quizas Quizas

5. ABBA – Mamma Mia


My TOP 5:

1. Stevie Wonder- I just called to say I love you

2. Magneto – Vuela Vuela

3. Gloria Estefan – Rhythm is gonna get you

4.  Madonna – Like a Virgin

5. Paula Abdul – Rush Rush



Prompt from the Daily Post at

Moms Home Packed Lunch

Before my daughter started 3rd grade this school year. She and I were fed up with school lunches.  As I looked at monthly menu calendars sent home or asked about how her lunch was that particular day, they were always loaded with high carbohydrates, sugar, starch, and barely any protein.

So, this school year I have been making all her lunches. Now it is easier said then done, because you sometimes have to get more creative then you think. Or maybe because as a mom you simply want to give your kid a “Kick A**” lunch, that they give you props and acknowledgment at the end of the day.

Challenging part of making lunches for school could be because they are technically cold lunches that don’t need reheating. However, it has been 7 months now and I think it’s down packed to the lunches she enjoys the most.

  • Ham, Turkey, Salami Sandwich, Mini Carrots w/Ranch Dressing, and Pomegranate.
  • Tuna Salad, Clementine, Pineapple slices, and 4 Girl Scout Mint Thins
  • Turkey Wrap, Pineapple, Carrots,

But some how she ALWAYS requests her favorite default to the Traditional Peanut Butter/Jelly Sandwich majority of the week. Well, I can only do my best.

Here is a photo of the only one time I took a picture of her lunch. I was pretty satisfied with what I had packed for her.

Not A Olympic 3m Springboard Diver, But Strong Like Mom

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That’s my moms ID card from the National Olympic Committee of Guatemala for the Pan American Games of Central America and the Caribbean.

May she rest in peace and that she is enjoying the glorious heavens of eternal youth and happiness. Sadly she passed away too soon at the age of 78 in 2011, and though I did not know how to take the news of my mother passing–eventually it did hit me but very late. Death of a loved one and experiencing it for the first time, is so unreal…

Being that I was her youngest/only child of her 2nd marriage. She was very protective of me and loved to keep me under her wings. She always had a reason for me not to leave home. Maybe it’s our Latin culture, that your kids leave when they are ready or yet when they marry. She use to say, “Why go pay rent, when you have it all right here with me”.  You got admit nothing beats free rent, lol.

Anyway, since her passing I have truly found myself as an adult, a woman, and a mom. She was always my backup for everything. However, once she passed I worried if I was really ready for this type of world without her as my bodyguard….and YES, she prepared me very well (Thanks Mom). I am just as strong minded as she is, a go-getter, and accomplish everything I set my mind to. Though I’m not quite a high diver athlete like her (I’m scared of heights), I did wish she would have seen me cross the finish line of my first half marathon in 2012. I wish she could have seen me these 2 past years as the PTA prez of my daughters school and  how I revamped and motivated parents to bring back family engagement events that had been absent for years–she would have truly been my biggest cheerleader. I find myself everyday to be more like her, a woman who not only wants to put her skills and talents to work for the better of her community and organizations but to continue developing them by being an active role model in the community, but most importantly for my 8 year old daughter, who will also grow up to be a strong Latina just like her mom, Mamita (grandma), and of her generation.

No flowers on Valentines Day


Happy Valentines Day!!! 

No more flowers for me anymore! Don’t worry not a bad thing at all. You see last year for Valentines my loved one finally figured that I just don’t have a “Green Thumb”. Roses (and flowers) die on me, I swear I follow the instructions for their water and food but I just don’t have it. So he’s going to do Edibles from now on, and I don’t blame him–I am ok with that, lol.

Though Larry and I would always turn our cheeks the other way to this particular day every year, the last 3 years we have slowly embraced it. We both believe that you should express and show your love everyday, and not just one day. But the more we grow together the more acceptable we have become to the celebration.

That is why I am excited for this evening because the little one will be staying with grandpa, while we celebrate the evening out for dinner, drinks, and fun. You know your loved one is your best friend when your evenings are comical and memorable every single time. It is amazing how you can truly be yourself with that person and not feel judged in any shape or form.  There is  no need to impress but just be the loving person that you are naturally because if you are that is the one reason why your significant other loves about you.

Also, don’t forget about your closest friends who care and love you when they have been there for you and heard your venting even when you have repeated your mistakes. So send them a simple text and acknowledge them too.

Have a loving day!

I must find my niche


I really don’t have any excuses to my inconsistent blogging. First I think life is hectic, but isn’t everyone who is a consistent blogger?

All the blogs I have read have catchy and awesome themes, being a mom, a traveler, a sports talker, personal recipes and etc. I guess I want to find that niche where I  can be unique in my own way. So lets try this again.

No clock watching on holidays.

fireworks5-lr Hope you all  had a wonderful and safe July 4th yesterday.

I actually started my July 4th with a morning workout at the gym. I ran 2 miles, then biked for 5 miles. Then Larry met me at the gym and we trained legs–turning out to be a 3hr workout. Honestly, if workouts could be 3 hrs everyday I swear I would be a WHOLE lot closer to my goal. Plus the best part of holidays is not having to keep looking up at the clock. No worries about getting back home on time to get the little one up for school/camps or getting to work on time! Just a pure focus on a quality workout.

Being that I am a single mom, working full-time and commuting 80 miles a day and still getting home to make dinner is just freaking time consuming and tiresome–reason why I squeeze my workouts in the morning or else I won’t do it. I really hope I reach my goal in October. Speaking of October, I am trying to get Larry convinced to do the Baltimore Half Marathon. I did it last year, it was an awesome experience to know that I could push my body for 13.1 miles. I haven’t registered yet, waiting to convince Larry so I have a running buddy. I just think having him tag along would actually be more fun, then being in a sea of runners and crossing the finish line alone.

I’m still here!

Wow… I feel bad.

It’s been a little over 3 months from my last entry here–and I feel like I let you down on my progress updates. Well, I hate to say this but not much progress has happened. I have let my leadership role in my daughters school PTA take over again. While I have experienced more politics then I expected or to my liking in this PTA, it has indeed been a true learning experience. From initiative community supporter threatening me as a PTA officer to the entire group getting upset when they don’t hear, read, get their way. It’s interesting to know that–what once was a neighborhood I wanted to move into, has turned me off and look else where for my future plans. Larry (my boyfriend)  said I love the drama…..ok maybe just a little. But really it’s my own mission to put myself out of my comfort zone and develop as an individual for the different encounters I may face in the future. So on those words, July 1st I start my 2nd/last term in my leadership position. Crossing-fingers, that it’s much smoother and that I stay as sane being diplomatic, as I have been this last school year.

Screen shot 2013-06-25 at 1.59.41 PMBesides that, workout this week no good. I don’t know about some of you but I can not, I repeat myself CAN NOT workout with glasses. I am waiting for my order of contacts to come in, so I can get back on it. What? look I have those glasses that slide down my nose ever couple of minutes, and can’t bend over to pick up crap cause they fall off. Do you really think I will put up with them when I work out?! Heeell to the NO!

Sure I could workout without them, but I’m blind as a bat. I swear if there wasn’t such specialty glass for glasses. My glasses would literally be coke bottle glasses like this pup on this picture. At −5.50 yea I am and know I’m BLIND!

Screen shot 2013-06-25 at 1.51.47 PMOn another note, you got to love summer–a chance to be outdoors and do more with the family. Over this past weekend Larry, my daughter and I went on our first fishing trip of the summer. It was beautiful morning, the spot we go to wasn’t open yet, so we drove around and found a pier where we could fish until then. I just had to take a picture it was a gorgeous scene as you can see in the picture. My daughter became inpatient after Larry caught the first fish of the day (catfish). But after 1pm it was burning hot and decided to check out our spot where we normally fish. After seeing that it was overly crowded we called it a day and went to lunch and headed home.

Screen shot 2013-06-25 at 2.24.03 PMThe first time out fishing is always a test drive for us. So hopefully the next time we are out there we catch more and get out there even before sun rise, and bring our 1yr old rat terrier “Pepper” or “Pepperoni” as we call him sometimes. I think it would be a great experience for him to be with the family fishing.